Welcome to Illinois Shines
Building our solar future
Illinois Shines makes “going solar” more affordable for people across Illinois. With valuable incentives, step-by-step guidance, important consumer protections, and an emphasis on equity, Illinois Shines ensures everyone in Illinois can play a role in our clean energy future. The Program supports the State’s targets to have 40% of its energy come from renewable energy sources such as solar by 2030, 50% by 2040, and 100% clean energy by 2050.

The Benefits of Solar
More consumers, businesses, and communities are choosing solar because of its many benefits.
Environmental Benefits
Economic Stimulation
Financial Benefits
Ways to Participate in Illinois Shines
Illinois Shines provides incentives to solar vendors to develop different types of projects, which can be passed on to customers. Illinois Shines helps you find approved solar vendors, understand which project type might be right for you, and understand the financial considerations of these options. To learn more about RECs, visit Solar and Illinois Shines Basics. To learn more about Distributed Generation and Community Solar in Illinois Shines, and how to consider which project type, vendor, and financial options may be right for you, visit Exploring Solar.
Quick Links & Resources
Quick links to some commonly-used areas of the site
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