Large Distributed Generation
The Large Distributed Generation category includes distributed generation projects greater than 25 kW in size up to and including 5 MW. The Large Distributed Generation category will comprise at least 20% of the Illinois Shines capacity generally.
Each project that is constructed in this category will be subject to the prevailing wage requirements included in the Prevailing Wage Act with the exception the following types of projects:
- Projects (greater than 25 kW AC) that were on a waitlist as of the Program’s reopening on December 14, 2021
- Projects that serve a single-family or multi-family residential building
- Projects that serve a house of worship and are not greater than 100 kW AC (aggregated with any co-located projects)
- Projects for which construction can be demonstrated to have been completed before September 15, 2021, the effective date of Public Act 102-0662
For assistance in this project category, contact the Large DG Sector Strategist, Stellan Roberts, at [email protected] or the Program Administrator team at [email protected].

Category-Specific Resources
Category-Specific Updates
This blog includes key items specific to this Illinois Shines project category, but AVs and Designees are still expected to read all Program announcements in full, which contain other critical Program items and updates.