Mentorship Program

To advance the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) objectives of the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (Public Act 102-0662 or “CEJA”), and reflecting the Illinois Power Agency’s own commitment to DEI, CEJA directed the Agency to establish an Equity Accountability System, which established: 

In addition, CEJA established several monitoring, reporting, and facilitation requirements to support the assessment of the Equity Accountability System. One such requirement is providing training, guidance, and support for Approved Vendors (AVs) and Designees to meet the requirements of the MES and participate in the EEC category.

In order to help AVs and Designees meet these requirements and successfully participate in the Illinois Shines Program, a Mentorship Program is offered annually. The Mentorship Program provides participants, or “mentees”, with training and presentations covering Program processes and requirements. It also facilitates opportunities to network with other market stakeholders.

AVs and Designees that are certified as Equity Eligible Contractors (EECs) and/or are woman-owned, veteran-owned, disability-owned, or are considered small businesses are encouraged to apply.

Three contractors installing a solar panel in a field.

A project category hub provides additional information and resources for Equity Eligible Contractors, and additional Illinois Shines support can be accessed by contacting Conner Rettig, Equity Eligible Contractor Sector Strategist, at [email protected] or the Program Administrator team at [email protected]. 

Mentorship Program Details & Resources

Following the successful Mentorship Pilot Program in Program Year 2023-24, a second cohort of the eight-week training series will be held from January to March 2025.  Approved Vendors (AVs) and Designees that are certified as Equity Eligible Contractors (EECs) and/or woman-owned, veteran-owned, disability-owned, or are considered small businesses are encouraged to apply. 

Registration to participate in the 2024-2025 mentee cohort will begin in November 2024. Please contact the EEC Sector Strategist at [email protected] if you have questions about the Mentorship Program or would like to express early interest in applying. 

In 2023, the IPA developed a Mentorship Plan for Approved Vendors (AVs) and Designees that are Equity Eligible Contractors (EECs) and/or woman-owned, veteran-owned, disability-owned, or are considered small businesses with the goal of supporting new Program participants in understanding Program requirements and application procedures.

In October 2023 the Program launched a mentorship pilot to a cohort of 12 mentees, offering eight weeks of Program training that concluded in December 2023. Please see the Mentorship Pilot Program Final Report (March 1, 2024) for details. The following resources from the Program Year 2023 Mentorship Pilot Program are made available here:

Presentation Date Recording Slide Deck
1. Illinois Shines Program Overview Part 1 October 23, 2023 Recording Slide Deck
2. Illinois Shines Program Overview Part 2 October 30, 2023 Recording Slide Deck
3. Application Processing & Portal Deep Dive Part 1 November 6, 2023 Recording Slide Deck
3.1 Expansions, Co-Locations & Size Changes November 6, 2023 Recording Slide Deck
3.2 REC Contracting November 6, 2023 Recording Slide Deck
4. Application Processing & Portal Deep Dive Part 2 November 13, 2023 Recording Slide Deck
4.1 Part II Project Submission Tutorial November 13, 2023 Recording
5. Ongoing Program Requirements Part 1 November 27, 2023 Recording Slide Deck
6. Ongoing Program Requirements Part 2 December 4, 2023 Recording Slide Deck
6.1 Navigating SharePoint December 4, 2023 Recording Slide Deck
7. Marketing Best Practices and Consumer Protection December 11, 2023 Recording Slide Deck
8. Program Resources and Ongoing Opportunities December 18, 2023 Recording Slide Deck