Consumer Protection & Support
Clear and consistent information about the roles of Approved Vendors, installer/developer, and consumer is critical to ensuring that Illinois Shines projects are properly managed and that consumers are informed and protected. Approved Vendors who submit successful solar projects to the Program stand to receive financial benefit from the program in the form of incentives, and by extension, from the Illinois electric utility customers who fund it. The Illinois Power Agency and Program Administrator take consumer protection very seriously, and the Program includes various requirements with which Approved Vendors and Designees must comply to ensure consumers are protected. The Agency takes disciplinary action against Approved Vendors and Designees found to have violated consumer protection requirements. This website includes a variety of education and support resources for consumers.
The passage of the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (Public Act 102-0662) requires the Illinois Power Agency, along with the Program Administrator of its solar incentive programs, to propose various program terms, conditions, and requirements for participating entities and project applications. Stakeholders should consult the 2024 Long-Term Plan, the Program Guidebook, and the Consumer Protection Handbook, to understand and comply with consumer protections requirements.

Consumer Protection Resources
Program Violations Report
Program Violations Report – Shares warning and suspension letters involving Approved Vendors and Designees found to have violated Program guidelines
Consumer Complaint Report
Consumer Complaint Report – Lists all consumer complaints received by the Program Administrator, and all Approved Vendors and Designees who have been suspended from the Illinois Shines Program
Annual Complaint Report
Annual Complaint Report – Contains information regarding complaints received and any disciplinary action taken by the Program Administrator over the course of the year
Help for Stranded Customers
Help for Stranded Customers – Provides resources for customers whose Approved Vendor and/or Designee is unable or unwilling to complete the solar project installation and/or submit a project application to the Illinois Shines program
Consumer Protection Working Group
Consumer Protection Working Group – A monthly public forum to discuss market trends, best practices, consumer education, updates to Program requirements and documents, and other consumer protection issues for both Illinois Shines and Illinois Solar for All
Informational Brochures
Informational Brochures – Program brochures providing key Program information and specific for both distributed generation and community solar
Disclosure Form Deep Dive
Disclosure Form Deep Dive – A digital resource allowing consumers to walk through sample Disclosure Forms, section by section, based on project type and utility, and, for distributed generation, by finance type and whether your project application will be submitted to take the Distributed Generation/Smart Inverter Rebate