November 13, 2024 


As a Vendor: Forgot Password returns generic error if user cancels password change. 
This enhancement removes an error message when the user selects “Forgot Password”, receives an email with a change password link, goes to the link, and then cancels out of the prompt. 

Rebate Calculations (Net Metering and Storage) (Web and common flow) 
This enhancement provides calculations and new fields on Disclosure Forms in support of net metering changes.  The changes include: 

  • The ‘Generation Rebate’ amount will now be calculated, not entered by the AV or Designee. The calculation is based on the project size and whether the customer receives competitive or non-competitive service. 
  • In DG Section 6.5 “Utility Rebates”, the question ‘Is the customer eligible for rebates calculated based on the $300 rate, or the $250 rate?*’ should display if either ‘Storage Rebate’ = yes or ‘Generation Rebate’ = Yes (currently only asked for ‘Storage Rebate’ = yes) for Ameren and ComEd customers. 
  • The new calculated value for ‘Battery Rebate Amount’ should display under the storage rebate when ‘Storage Rebate’ = yes 

Project app: REC estimate does not recalculate when inputs change 
This enhancement will combine the PVWatts call and REC Details into the same action. It will also add other functionality that should help prevent errors when revisiting an application’s system details and recalculating the REC Details.