The Agency has released a draft Program Guidebook for the Illinois Shines program for stakeholder feedback.
This draft Guidebook will undergo stakeholder feedback, the Agency will review comments submitted, and then release a final version of the Guidebook for the 2023-24 Program year, which commences on June 1, 2023. All changes in this draft version of the Program Guidebook are to be considered proposals upon which stakeholders can provide feedback (aside from those changes derived from stand-alone feedback processes that have already occurred, such as the December 2022 consumer protections feedback process, MES waiver feedback process, and the Public Schools feedback process).
The Agency will release the updated Guidebook for the 2023-24 Program year on April 17, 2023, 45 days in advance of the start of the Program year, to allow Program participants to review, understand, and prepare to be in compliance with all changes in the Program Guidebook when the 2023-24 Program year commences on June 1, 2023.
PLEASE NOTE – Changes to program requirements via edits to the Program Guidebook as published on April 17, 2023 will not take effect until June 1, 2023. After June 1, 2023, all Program participants are expected to be in compliance with new program requirements finalized in this Guidebook update process or may face disciplinary action.
Next Steps in Program Guidebook Comment & Update Process
Next Steps in Program Guidebook Comment & Update Process
- Comments on draft Program Guidebook due April 3, 2023
- Draft Program Guidebook
- Comments should be emailed to [email protected]
- Agency to review comments and make final edits
- Agency to release final Program Guidebook for 2023-24 Program year on April 17, 2023
- Updated Program Guidebook takes effect June 1, 2023
High Level Changes to Draft Guidebook
- Proposal to prohibit the use of TBD Disclosure Forms for Community-Driven Community Solar projects
- Proposed updates to information to submit related to projects with batteries
- Proposed updates to signature requirements on site control documentation
- New information regarding the publishing of disciplinary decisions made by Program
- New information on the Public Schools anchor tenant waiver
- New information on the MES waiver
- Clarifications related to public school land ownership and project siting requirements
- General reordering and clarifying of information
- Shifting of listed requirements, waivers, attestations, etc. into appendices