Adjustable Block Program Discretionary Capacity Allocation

The IPA and the Program Administrator announce the allocation of the remaining 25% of Program capacity (approximately 166.5 MW). The Agency has allocated the remaining Adjustable Block Program capacity in a manner which it believes best accommodates the considerations applicable to its allocation. The discretionary allocations for each Group/category along with the Agency’s rationale for this decision can be found in the Allocation of Adjustable Block Program Discretionary Capacity Rationale document.

The Agency and the Program Administrator appreciate the hard work and massive commitment of resources provided by Approved Vendors and other parties in preparing the project applications received during the program’s launch. While we understand that not every stakeholder will agree with this allocation of discretionary capacity, it is the product of attempting to balance competing concerns against the backdrop of a limited budget. Not all applicant projects can be supported in the program’s first phase, and we hope to support many additional projects in future years.