Brief Interruption of Dropbox Sign Functionality Experienced in Program Portal; Functionality Has Been Restored

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At approximately 3:45 p.m. CPT today, the Program Administrator became aware of an interruption in the ability to send Disclosure Forms to customers for digital signature in the Program portal. Further investigation revealed that from approximately 12:00 p.m. CPT to 5:00 p.m. CPT, Disclosure Forms sent by Approved Vendors for customer signature through the Program portal may have remained unsent and in a pending status, due to an interruption in service from Dropbox Sign (formerly HelloSign). Dropbox Sign experienced an issue with its application programming interface (API) and Text Tags feature that blocked both signing and sending new requests, and as a result, Disclosure Forms submitted during this period may need to be resubmitted for customer signature. As of 6:40 p.m. CPT, Dropbox Sign indicates that its team has resolved the issue, and that requests can now be sent normally. The Program Administrator team will continue to monitor the fix.

Approved Vendors and Designees who sent a Disclosure Form for digital signature during the above-listed period may wish to resend Disclosure Forms for customer signature.  Approved Vendors and Designees should advise customers that, in the event they receive more than one Disclosure Form, the most recent version should be signed.

For support at any time, please contact the Program Administrator at [email protected].