Illinois Shines Consumer Complaint Center

The Program Administrator’s Consumer Protection Team works hard to ensure entities registered with the Illinois Shines Program abide by the Program’s requirements. Consumers who believe an Approved Vendor, Designee, or other entity has committed a Program violation are encouraged to file complaints with our team. To file a complaint, please use the form on the right, or contact our team at [email protected] or by calling (877) 708-3456.
The Program takes all filed complaints seriously. The Program Administrator will review your complaint and follow up with you via email and/or phone to request any additional information. We may also reach out to the entity that is the subject of the complaint to discuss the alleged Program violations and attempt to informally mediate a resolution. For confirmed Program violations, depending on the severity of the violations, past violations from the entity, and other factors, the Consumer Protection Team may:
  • Send the entity a Warning Letter detailing the Program violation(s) and identifying consequences for additional violations;
  • Require certain corrective actions or satisfaction of a compliance plan to avoid disciplinary action;
  • Suspend the entity from the Program; and/or
  • Revoke the entity’s eligibility with the Program.
Please see the Program Violations and Complaint Reports page for complaints, warnings, and suspensions.

File a Complaint With Illinois Shines

File a complaint with the Illinois Shines Program Administrator regarding the actions or behavior of an Approved Vendor or a Designee of an Approved Vendor. You can file a complaint by calling or emailing the Program Administrator, or filling out the form below.

Illinois Commerce Commission Complaint Center

If you would like to submit your complaint to the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) for review, please use the Commission’s internal complaint form:

The ICC usually focuses on complaints regarding installers, installations, and Alternative Retail Electric Suppliers (ARES). If you are experiencing issues with a system installation, a specific installer, or an ARES, please consider also submitting your complaint to the ICC. In order to properly file an informal complaint with the ICC please follow the directions outlined in the steps to file a complaint listed below.

If you would like to submit your complaint to the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) for review, please use the Commission’s internal complaint form:

The ICC usually focuses on complaints regarding installers, installations, and Alternative Retail Electric Suppliers (ARES). If you are experiencing issues with a system installation, a specific installer, or an ARES, please consider also submitting your complaint to the ICC. In order to properly file an informal complaint with the ICC please follow the directions outlined in the steps to file a complaint listed below.

Steps to File a Complaint with the Illinois Commerce Commission

Illinois Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division Complaint Center

If you have been subject to fraudulent or deceptive sales practices, the Illinois Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division may be able to help.

The Illinois Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division can also be reached at:

Chicago: 800-386-5438 | TTY: 800-964-3013

Springfield: 800-243-0618 | TTY: 877-844-5461

Carbondale: 618-529-6400 | TTY: 877-675-9339

Spanish language: 866-310-8398

Arial view of the Illinois State Capitol building and the surrounding city.