December 22, 2023

Market Facing Enhancements, Features, and Bug Fixes

Disclosure Form (DF) Enhancement: Make “Upload or Review Documents” button functional regardless of validations
Some values in older, previously submitted DFs don’t always meet the field validation requirements for the current Disclosure Forms accepted by the portal. Previously, when navigating to the “Download PDF copies” page for older DFs, users received an error message indicating that one or more uneditable fields required correction, and navigation was blocked. The system has been corrected to allow navigation to this page regardless of validation rules.

Add PPA Initial & Final Price/kWh Validations
Field validations were added to the Power Purchase Agreement form questions “Initial PPA price per-kilowatt hour” and “Final PPA price per-kilowatt hour”. Validations will not allow values greater than $0.50, to ensure values entered are not misrepresented and entered as dollars. This enhancement also changes question guidance and allows entries in values to the 5th decimal place.  These updates effect both the PPA Portal & CSV Disclosure Forms.

Upgrade PVWatts® from V6 to V8
This version update upgrades the portal to PVWatts version 8, which includes updating the weather data to 2020 TMY data from the NREL National Solar Radiation Database (NSRDB) for locations covered by the database.

Allow AV to download document for all statuses
This enhancement allows AVs to download attached documents in Part I and Part II applications for all project statuses.

Community Solar DF: Rate Structure Enhancement
Set payment when Frequency of Payment is not Monthly – This enhancement provides more accurate guidance for Community Solar DF rate and payment information questions, including that “set payment” and “set payment with annual escalation” are monthly.

Tab index is incorrect for the project installation section of the DG Lease Disclosure Form
This enhancement updates the tab indexing in the project installation section of the DG Lease Disclosure Forms for simplified keyboard navigation.

All DG Disclosure Forms: Jo-Carrol in drop down list
Remove Note/helper text – This enhancement removes unneeded helper text that indicated “Please note that you cannot select Jo-Carroll energy co-op on a DG form”.