Disclosure Form REC Incentive Calculator Adjustments

The Illinois Shines program Portal calculates REC incentive values for Disclosure Forms using applicable REC prices based on the date the Disclosure Form is created. For project applications submitted in the 2024-25 Program Year which commenced June 3, 2024, Disclosure Forms and contracts should reflect calculations using 2024-25 REC Prices.[1] The Program Administrator was alerted to two issues with the Disclosure Form concerning REC pricing calculations:

  1. For Disclosure Forms created in the Portal June 2, 2024, or prior but submitted June 3 or after, REC calculations that used the Portal calculator embedded in Disclosure Forms were using Program Year 2023-24 REC prices, resulting in inaccurate calculations presented to customers for projects applying for capacity in Program Year 2024-25.
  2. Up through July 18, 2024, the Portal page where AV/Ds enter information into Disclosure Form fields included a link to a spreadsheet version of the REC calculator that reflected 2023-24 REC prices.

The Program Administrator investigated and confirmed the above two issues. The steps we are taking to address these issues are described below; however, for any Disclosure Forms started on or after June 3, 2024, for which the Approved Vendor or Designee used the embedded REC calculator button, the correct 2024-25 REC prices were utilized.

To address the issue, the Program Administrator has taken the following steps:

  1. Changed the referral to REC prices – The Portal page where AV/Ds enter information into Disclosure Form fields previously included a link to a spreadsheet calculator. The page now instead links to the Program website’s Program Documents page, allowing the user to select the appropriate calculator (using the current Program Year REC prices, or the 2023-24 Program REC values, if appropriate).
  2. Revised the Portal calculator – REC calculations for Disclosure Forms generated from July 19, 2024, onward use the 2024-25 REC values in effect on the generation date, regardless of the date the Disclosure Form was started.

Additionally, the Program Administrator is taking the following corrective action:

Creation of Warning Notice – The Program Administrator is in the process of updating the Portal so a “warning” notice will appear in the Portal if the user submits a total REC incentive amount that does not align with the current Program Year’s REC values. This does not prevent the submission of the Disclosure Form (in case the use of the prior year’s REC values was intentional—for example, in updating a Disclosure Form for a project that was allocated capacity in the previous Program Year). Updates on the timing of the rollout of this warning notice will be included in regular weekly Program announcements.

Next steps for Approved Vendors Following Portal Calculator Revisions:

  1. Please carefully review Disclosure Forms not yet submitted to ensure the correct REC values are used in calculating the REC incentive. Click “calculate” to recalculate the REC incentive and refresh the values.
  2. In cases of submitted and/or executed Disclosure Forms in which incorrect REC prices were used and resulted in inaccurate REC incentive calculations, stakeholders must reissue corrected Disclosure Forms to customers with revised calculations.

The Program Administrator regrets any inconvenience that may result from the requirement to revise and reissue a Disclosure Form for customer signature. The Disclosure Form serves a critical purpose in providing customers with clear information about their solar project including its costs and applicable incentives. The Program Administrator is available to answer questions and provide assistance to stakeholders in addressing this situation.

[1] Note: there are some cases where a Disclosure Form submitted after June 3, 2024, correctly applies Program Year 2023-24 REC prices, such as a reissued Disclosure Form for a project approved and granted capacity in the previous Program Year.