The Distributed Generation disclosure forms are now live and accessible to Approved Vendors on the Illinois ABP website. The final brochure and Program branding guide has also been released.
To access and complete the disclosure forms, Approved Vendors will need to login to their account on the Illinois ABP website and click on the ‘Vendors’ tab. Once there, click #3, ‘Consumer Disclosure Forms’. Please note there are four different disclosure forms available: system purchase disclosure form, PPA disclosure form, lease disclosure form, and over 25 kW disclosure form. Please be sure to select the appropriate form type before beginning a new disclosure form. Every completed disclosure form will create a Part I project application at the time the project application portal is live with all of the information from the disclosure form already prefilled, eliminating the need for duplicate data entry. Disclosure forms must be completed through the Illinois ABP website, without exception.
Approved Vendors can designate other entities to complete disclosure forms on their behalf using the ‘Manage Approved Vendor Designees’ function. In order to add an Approved Vendor Designee to your Vendor dashboard the designee must first create an account on the Illinois ABP Website. Once they have created an account they can be added to your dashboard through #4, ‘Manage Approved Vendor Designees’.
Detailed instructions on how to complete disclosure forms can be found here.
Additionally, the DG Marketing Guidelines at Section 22 on Page 9 and on Page 11 have been updated to state that the grandfathering process applies to systems energized prior to December 27, 2018 as opposed to November 26, 2018 since the brochure and disclosure forms were not available until December 27, 2018.