Extension to Community Solar Disclosure Form Leniency Period Through June 29, 2023; Conclusion of Leniency Period for DG Disclosure Forms Remains May 31, 2023

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On May 5, 2023, the Program announced the release of new Distributed Generation and Community Solar Disclosure Forms, which will be available in the Illinois Shines Program portal and required for use by participating AVs and Designees beginning June 1, 2023, the commencement of the 2023-2024 Program Year.

The Program has heard stakeholders’ concerns that the current timeline does not allow adequate time for Community Solar Providers to complete Application Programming Interface (API) development and receive Program approval to use the full API functionality by the June 1 cut-over date. Accordingly, the Disclosure Form leniency period for Community Solar (creating a limited exception to the requirement that Disclosure Forms must be signed before the subscription contract) will extend through June 29, 2023. This extension does not apply to Distributed Generation Disclosure Forms, and the leniency period for DG Disclosure Forms officially ends on May 31, 2023 as shared in the May 5, 2023 announcement.

Following the respective conclusions of the leniency periods (May 31, 2023 for DG, and June 29, 2023 for Community Solar), all customer contracts are subject to the normal Program requirement that a signed Disclosure Form is required prior to the execution of the customer contract.

  • June 1, 2023 – Program requirement for execution of new Distributed Generation Disclosure Form by customer prior to contract
  • June 30, 2023 – Program requirement for execution of new Community Solar Disclosure Form by customer prior to contract

A stakeholder informational webinar will be held Thursday, May 18, 2023 at 12:00 p.m. CPT to cover the new Disclosure Forms, the CSV upload tool, the Application Programming Interface (API), and “in flight” scenarios related to Disclosure Forms started prior to June 1, 2023. The webinar will be recorded.

Register at: https://energy-solution.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_uEWL2gunSzC06rR02WpdxQ 

Community Solar providers who wish to participate in the API beta testing should contact the Program Administrator at [email protected].