The Program Administrator previously solicited stakeholder input on proposed revisions to the Community Solar Disclosure form and on November 18, 2020 announced the final scope of nature of those changes. A template of the revised disclosure form was released December 8, 2020. The Program Administrator is currently programing the functionality to support the revised disclosure form and associated changes to the subscriber registration process in the Adjustable Block Program portal .
The Program Administrator is planning for a February 9, 2021 cutover in the ABP portal from the current Community Disclosure Form to the revised Community Solar Disclosure Form. This will include updated data fields and options, a new format for the generated form, and updated API and CSV upload functionality. In preparation for that cutover, the Program Administrator plans to release an updated version of the API to all API users on January 18, 2021 for beta testing, and to release a new version of the CSV upload guide on January 25, 2021.
Disclosure forms generated prior to the cutover date will remain valid, however any disclosure forms started in the portal but not completed (and thus generated for a subscriber signature) by the cutover date will need to be reentered after the cutover date in the updated portal in order to be completed and generated.
Implementation of additional API functionality to allow for the generation of the Revised Disclosure Form outside of the portal is expected to be released by February 23, 2021.
If you have any questions about the implementation schedule for the new Community Solar Disclosure Form, please email the Program Administrator at [email protected] or call 877-783-1820.