Last Day for Submission of CDCS Applications – Today, November 29

Reminder to all Approved Vendors and Designees that the application window for Community-Driven Community Solar applications closes today, November 29, 2022, 90 days after the September 1, 2022 application opening. Projects must be batched and those batches submitted prior to 11:59PM on November 29, 2022.

Following the close of the application window, the Agency and Program Administrator will begin reviewing and scoring CDCS projects based on the scoring criteria included in Section 1.G. of the current Program Guidebook. Projects will be selected in the order of highest to lowest score until the block is fully allocated. Once scoring is complete, Approved Vendors will be notified of their project score(s) and whether their submitted project(s) will be awarded capacity from this Program year. Projects that were not selected and that have a minimum score of at least 10 points will be placed on a waitlist for the 2023-2024 delivery year.

If you have any questions on application submission, please reach out to the Program Administrator by email ad  or by phone at (877) 783-1820.