Need Info Updates – 06/30/2023

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Resolving the high Need Info volume and resulting delays in application approvals remains a high priority. The Need Info Working Group has analyzed data to identify the Top Reasons for Need Info application status (applications reviewed May 20 – June 7, 2023) which include:

  • Part I Top Need Info reasons
    • Inverter Issue (inacceptable size/model)
    • Disclosure Form electronic signatures missing
    • Entering system sizes in wrong size (w vs. kW)
  • Part II Top Need Info reasons
    • Number of panels different between application and photo
    • Module – Rated capacity of the module model does not match the array details entered
    • Certificate of Completion issue (relationship of parties unclear; not signed by utility)
    • Standing order missing or Standing order status in GATS or M-RETs is “Rejected”
    • Meter – photo missing (solar production needed); Meter make/model differ between photo and application
    • Inverter – model number missing; photo of each inverter missing