Need Info

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Resolving the high Need Info volume and resulting delays in application approvals is a high priority. The Need Info working group, created to address this volume of applications continued to resolve currently flagged applications and prevent erroneous patterns. The Need Info working group has identified the most common causes of Need Info requests resulting from AV submissions on project applications. These include:

  • Part I Applications
    • Inconsistency or errors in Financing/Ownership structure: For example, project is listed as “Customer-Owned”, but owner listed on DF and/or Application is conflicting.
    • Documents uploaded for wrong property address.
  • Part II Applications
    • Meter photos which do not show cumulative lifetime meter reading as required.
    • The number of modules in the application do not match the number of modules shown in the array photos as required.
    • Demographic and zip code information missing or incomplete. Reminder, this requirement comes from the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act.
    • The inverter information in the application does not match the inverter photos.