November 18, 2022

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  • The display of the REC estimate tool has been changed to accommodate clearer election of either PV Watts or Custom Capacity, as of November 7, 2022

Issue Reports and Bug Fixes

  • An issue leading to incorrect display of AV ID’s when selecting an Approved Vendor on a Disclosure Form has been fixed as of November 17, 2022
  • Inverter sizes on some TCS applications that were already batched but incorrectly entered have been corrected as of November 17, 2022
  • An issue affecting the display of some data on Distributed Generation Lease PDF forms has been fixed as of November 17, 2022


  • The Program Administrator has continued adding to the library of Portal Help Guides available at the Program website at: On November 18, new/updated guides for “Distributed Generation Disclosure Forms” and “Part I Applications “DG and CS” were added; new “Community Solar Disclosure Forms” and “Part II Application” guides will be made available shortly.
  • The Program Administrator continues to provide Office Hours to answer questions, provide support, and gather questions and feedback; individual support can also be requested through a request at [email protected] or via contacting a Sector Strategist. Upcoming office hours include the following: