The Program Administrator would like to thank all stakeholders that provided comments on the ABP’s recent request for comments about how two related problems would be handled: (A) whether and how an applicant project with a pending Part I application (including an application included on any applicable Group/category waitlist) could switch its Approved Vendor; and (B) how the Program should handle a situation in which two Approved Vendors each submit a Part I application for the same photovoltaic project.
Rather than simply publishing a policy governing these situations, the Program sought feedback on its proposed approach. Just three stakeholders submitted comments throughout the comment period and only one of these comments presented information beyond agreeing with the proposed approach. Due to the limited amount of feedback received, the Agency has made minimal edits to the final versions of the proposed approach and the FAQs. Comments received on the proposed approach, the finalized approach, and the finalized FAQs can be found here.