Publication of Project Information for Selected Waitlisted Community Solar Projects

The Illinois Power Agency would like to thank all stakeholders who provided comments on the recent request for comments regarding publishing community solar application project information from projects selected through the waitlist capacity allocation process. After reviewing the submitted feedback, the Agency has elected to approach the posting of project information in the following way:

  • A page has been developed on the ABP website and has been updated to include the stakeholder feedback request, feedback received, and project information for the Community Solar projects that were selected off the waitlist.
  • The selected community solar projects are posted to the above-mentioned webpage as downloadable Excel and PDF files. The files include the following project information: Approved Vendor name, project application number, project name, project address, project size, and interconnecting utility.

If you have any questions regarding this announcement, please reach out to the Adjustable Block Program Administrator at [email protected] or at 877-783-1820.