Release of Community Solar Disclosure Form in Spanish

The Program Administrator is pleased to announce the release of  the revised Community Solar Disclosure Form in Spanish as previously announced on March 1, 2021. The Spanish version of the disclosure form is a direct translation of the English version and no other changes were made.  The option to create a Community Solar Disclosure Form in Spanish can be selected as a first step when creating a Community Solar Disclosure Form in the ABP portal.

As referenced in the Community Solar Marketing Guidelines (Section 1.G & Section 2.H) Approved Vendors and their Designees are expected to provide marketing materials and interact with a potential customer in a language in which the potential customer is able to understand and communicate. The development of the Spanish Community Solar Disclosure Form will support Program participants toward this goal.

The option to generate the revised Community Solar Disclosure Form in Spanish using API functionality to allow for the generation of the form outside of the portal is now available as well.

Please reach out to the Program Administrator at [email protected] or 877-783-1820 with any questions.