Reminder: Stakeholder Feedback – Comments to Draft 2024 Long-Term Plan Due September 29, 2023

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On August 15, 2023, the Illinois Power Agency (IPA) released the Draft 2024 Long- Term Renewable Resources Procurement Plan for public review and comment:

The IPA welcomes public comments on the draft 2024 Long-Term Plan. Written comments are due on Friday, September 29 and should be submitted to [email protected]. Previously, on September 15, the Agency held virtual public hearings for the draft 2024 Long-Term Plan.

Changes proposed in the draft 2024 Long-Term Plan that impact Illinois Shines include, but are not limited to:

  • Partial closing of the Program to Part I applications from May 1 to June 1 annually, to prepare for each new Program Year
  • Updated uncontracted capacity redistribution prioritization
  • Updated Traditional Community Solar Scoring guidelines
  • Clarification on Public School projects location requirements
  • Proposal of Distributed Generation and Community Solar sub-categories for the Public Schools category
  • Proposal of Community-Driven Community Solar 20% developer cap
  • Annual status renewal requirement for EECs majority owned by an EEP qualifying based on residency
  • 200% DC/AC ratio limit for systems that include a battery/storage component
  • Expansion of metering requirements to accept inverters compliant with IEEE standards
  • Clarification on Community Solar residential and small commercial customers
  • Proposal of limited allowance for assignment of single projects in the case where this assignment serves a consumer protection goal
  • Proposal of application processing fee of $20 per kW, not to exceed $25,000 per project

PLEASE NOTEChapter 7 of the Long-Term Plan covers the Illinois Shines program, but Chapter 9 – Consumer Protection and Chapter 10 – Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion both have requirements and proposals within that impact Illinois Shines participants. In order to understand the full scope of changes to the Illinois Shines program, all three chapters should be reviewed in full.

Find the 2024 Long-Term Plan’s Cover Letter and Appendices to the draft Plan on the Agency’s website:

Thank you!
Illinois Shines Program
[email protected]