Reminder: Stakeholder Feedback on EAS Assessment Due April 10, 2024

On March 21, 2024, the Illinois Power Agency invited public comment on its proposed plan to assess the Equity Accountability System (“EAS”) and the EAS’s impact on promoting equity and increasing participation of historically marginalized communities in Illinois’ clean energy economy. As part of this endeavor, the Agency seeks stakeholder feedback to gather insights and recommendations.

Stakeholders are encouraged to provide feedback on the assessment questions, scope of data collection, proposed methodologies, and additional considerations outlined here. Stakeholders may comment on as many or as few of the items outlined within the document as they would like. Stakeholders should not feel limited by the questions offered within the feedback request and may provide comments on these proposals beyond the scope of these specific questions as it relates to the EAS Assessment.

Comments are due April 10, 2024 and should be emailed to [email protected] with the subject “[Responder’s Name] – Stakeholder Feedback on EAS Assessment”.

Thank you!    
Illinois Shines Program    
[email protected]