Revised Community Solar Disclosure Form Coming Soon in Spanish

The Program Administrator is pleased to announce that the recently released revised Community Solar Disclosure Form will soon be available in Spanish.

A sample template of the revised Community Solar Disclosure Form in Spanish can be found here. This template is provided to give Approved Vendors and their Designees an idea of what the form will look like once it becomes available in the ABP portal. Please note that this is a single example of the document for which illustrative project specifications are provided. As the document contains dynamic text elements, other options are available, and each generated form may look slightly different. This template is a direct translation of the English version of the disclosure form template and no other changes were made.

As referenced in the Community Solar Marketing Guidelines (Section 1.G & Section 2.H) Approved Vendors and their Designees are expected to provide marketing materials and interact with a potential customer in a language in which the potential customer is able to understand and communicate. The development of the Spanish Community Solar Disclosure Form will support Program participants towards this goal.

The Program Administrator is currently programming the functionality to support the Spanish version of the revised Community Solar Disclosure Form and associated changes in the Adjustable Block Program portal. The expected availability of the Spanish revised Community Solar Disclosure Form in the ABP portal and API functionality to allow for the generation of the form outside of the portal is March 31, 2021.