Save the Date: Workshops on the update of the Illinois Power Agency’s Long-Term Renewable Resources Procurement Plan

The Illinois Power Agency will be holding two days of workshops in June to give stakeholders an opportunity to provide input to the Agency as it prepares the biennial update to the Long-Term Renewable Resources Procurement Plan. The updated Plan is expected to be released for public comment in August. After each workshop the Agency plans to issue a Request for Comments on selected topics for which the Agency seeks additional information.

Workshop One, Thursday, June 20, 2019

Morning: Overview of the RPS and the Long-Term Plan; RPS Budgets; Utility-Scale Procurements

Afternoon: Illinois Solar for All

Workshop Two, Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Morning: Adjustable Block Program structure; REC Pricing Model; Distributed Generation

Afternoon: Community Solar, Consumer Protections

Workshops will be held in the Bilandic Building, 160 North LaSalle St, 5th Floor Auditorium, Chicago. (A Government-issued ID is required to enter this building.) A call-in option will also be available.

The Agency will release more detailed Agendas prior to each workshop date.