September 29, 2023

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Market Facing Enhancements:

  • Customer Email Requirements
    Customer/subscriber email addresses on CS and DG Disclosure Forms is no longer required by the portal form, CSV upload, or API.
  • Branding
    The portal now reflects the Program’s refreshed branding.

Market Facing BugFixes:

  • DG Purchase Disclosure Form – Question 87 and 86
    When creating Disclosure Forms, if “no” is entered for question 86: “Is the installation contract contingent upon the selection for the Adjustable Block Program incentive?”, then question 87: “Will the pricing terms change if the project is not selected for the Adjustable Block Program incentive?” is not be required to be answered. Prior to this fix, the portal was returning an error in the CSV upload process requiring question 87 even when the answer to question 86 was “no”. The CSV upload process will now only require question 87 to be answered when question 86 is answered with a value other than “no”.
  • Purchase Lease DF Required Fields
    On the Purchase Lease DF, users can now save and continue without filling in the required boxes “First Lease Payment” and “Final Lease Payment” in the Project Lease Information section – New Validation will require values greater than zero for DG Lease, and DG PPA forms.