In support of the re-opening of Part II Applications, the Program Administrator yesterday made a fix to the Program portal to address a problem whereby submitted Part II applications were reverting back to In Progress status. The portal fix was only partially successful; submitted attestation data was captured, but Part II applications continue to revert back to In Progress status, necessitating another fix. The Program Administrator has developed the solution, which will be implemented through a short system maintenance period, during which time the Program portal will be down and unavailable to users. While no project application information has been lost, stakeholders submitting Part II applications will be required to enter the portal and re-submit their completed application following the implementation of the portal fix. The Program Administrator apologizes for the inconvenience to stakeholders.
The maintenance is scheduled to begin tonight at 8:15 p.m. CPT and is scheduled to last 15-30 minutes. Any stakeholders working in the portal, whether on Part II Applications or any other area, should save their work prior to the start of system maintenance. A notice of portal availability restoration will be sent to stakeholders when system access has been restored. We appreciate the understanding of stakeholders.
For support at any time, please contact the Program Administrator at [email protected].