All Community-Driven Community Solar (CDCS) projects submitted during or after the 2022-23 Program Year will be evaluated against the scoring guidelines outlined in Appendix F of the Program Guidebook.
At Part II application subscriber verification and intervals throughout the 15-year REC Contract, the Program Administrator will confirm that commitments to local subscribers have been maintained. The Program Administrator will verify that the local subscribers are subscribers in the same county where the project is located, or if that project’s county population is below 50,000, then also in adjacent counties.
Please note: Any changes to commitments made in the Part I application submission which resulted in more favorable scoring (and thus a higher likelihood of contract award) will be considered an Event of Default under the REC Delivery Contract resulting in the full forfeiture of collateral, with the system unable to be Part II verified.
Local Subscriber Verification Process
- The Program Administrator shares subscriber verification Excel workbook with project’s Approved Vendors via SharePoint. This subscriber verification workbook will include three new columns for Approved Vendors to enter data: local subscriber (Y/N), county information for the local subscriber, and how the subscriber was validated as local.
- The percentage of actual nameplate capacity that has been subscribed and the community solar subscriber mix will be based on the Approved Vendor reported local status.
- Non-local subscribers will not count towards the project’s percentage of actual nameplate capacity that has been subscribed and community solar subscription mix.
- The Program Administrator will review the data provided from the Approved Vendor for the project and validate that at least 90% of subscribers meet the local subscriber definition.
- If 90% or more of subscribers are verified as local subscribers, then the project will be verified for the local subscriber commitment.
- If less than 90% of subscribers are verified as local, the project will be removed from the REC Contract under an Event of Default.
- The Program Administrator will complete the remaining subscriber verification process, including review of Disclosure Forms. The results will be provided to the Approved Vendor in the form of a revised Schedule B and will inform invoicing.
Please use the table below to confirm county populations and adjacent counties for local subscriber verification:
Project County | County Population | County Population <50,000 | Adjacent Counties |
Adams | 65,612 | FALSE | N/A |
Alexander | 5,173 | TRUE | Alexander, Pulaski, Union |
Bond | 16,688 | TRUE | Bond, Clinton, Fayette, Madison, Montgomery |
Boone | 53,334 | FALSE | N/A |
Brown | 6,233 | TRUE | Adams, Brown, Cass, Morgan, Pike, Schuyler |
Bureau | 33,172 | TRUE | Bureau, Henry, LaSalle, Lee, Marshall, Putnam, Stark, Whiteside |
Calhoun | 4,404 | TRUE | Calhoun, Greene, Jersey, Pike |
Carroll | 15,667 | TRUE | Carroll, Jo Daviess, Ogle, Stephenson, Whiteside |
Cass | 12,985 | TRUE | Brown, Cass, Mason, Menard, Morgan, Sangamon, Schuyler |
Champaign | 205,629 | FALSE | N/A |
Christian | 33,950 | TRUE | Christian, Macon, Montgomery, Sangamon, Shelby |
Clark | 15,423 | TRUE | Clark, Coles, Crawford, Cumberland, Edgar, Jasper |
Clay | 13,271 | TRUE | Clay, Effingham, Fayette, Jasper, Marion, Richland, Wayne |
Clinton | 36,913 | TRUE | Bond, Clinton, Fayette, Madison, Marion, St. Clair, Washington |
Coles | 46,761 | TRUE | Clark, Coles, Cumberland, Douglas, Edgar, Moultrie, Shelby |
Cook | 5,261,249 | FALSE | N/A |
Crawford | 18,648 | TRUE | Clark, Crawford, Jasper, Lawrence, Richland |
Cumberland | 10,429 | TRUE | Clark, Coles, Cumberland, Effingham, Jasper, Shelby |
DeKalb | 100,253 | FALSE | N/A |
De Witt | 15,450 | TRUE | De Witt, Logan, McLean, Macon, Piatt |
Douglas | 19,758 | TRUE | Champaign, Coles, Douglas, Edgar, Moultrie, Piatt, Vermilion |
DuPage | 931,244 | FALSE | N/A |
Edgar | 16,796 | TRUE | Champaign, Clark, Coles, Douglas, Edgar, Vermilion |
Edwards | 6,208 | TRUE | Edwards, Richland, Wabash, Wayne, White |
Effingham | 34,695 | TRUE | Clay, Cumberland, Effingham, Fayette, Jasper, Shelby |
Fayette | 21,483 | TRUE | Bond, Clay, Clinton, Effingham, Fayette, Marion, Montgomery, Shelby |
Ford | 13,517 | TRUE | Champaign, Ford, Iroquois, Kankakee, Livingston, McLean, Vermilion |
Franklin | 37,685 | TRUE | Franklin, Hamilton, Jackson, Jefferson, Perry, Saline, Williamson |
Fulton | 33,488 | TRUE | Fulton, Knox, McDonough, Mason, Peoria, Schuyler, Tazewell, Warren |
Gallatin | 4,938 | TRUE | Gallatin, Hamilton, Hardin, Saline, White |
Greene | 11,936 | TRUE | Calhoun, Greene, Jersey, Macoupin, Morgan, Pike, Scott |
Grundy | 52,517 | FALSE | N/A |
Hamilton | 7,997 | TRUE | Franklin, Gallatin, Hamilton, Jefferson, Saline, Wayne, White |
Hancock | 17,547 | TRUE | Adams, Hancock, Henderson, McDonough, Schuyler |
Hardin | 3,641 | TRUE | Gallatin, Hardin, Pope, Saline |
Henderson | 6,334 | TRUE | Hancock, Henderson, McDonough, Mercer, Warren |
Henry | 49,172 | TRUE | Bureau, Henry, Knox, Mercer, Rock Island, Stark, Whiteside |
Iroquois | 26,977 | TRUE | Ford, Iroquois, Kankakee, Vermilion |
Jackson | 52,906 | FALSE | N/A |
Jasper | 9,240 | TRUE | Clark, Clay, Crawford, Cumberland, Effingham, Jasper, Richland |
Jefferson | 36,998 | TRUE | Franklin, Hamilton, Jefferson, Marion, Perry, Washington, Wayne |
Jersey | 21,495 | TRUE | Calhoun, Greene, Jersey, Macoupin, Madison |
Jo Daviess | 22,057 | TRUE | Carroll, Jo Daviess, Stephenson |
Johnson | 13,322 | TRUE | Johnson, Massac, Pope, Pulaski, Saline, Union, Williamson |
Kane | 516,141 | FALSE | N/A |
Kankakee | 107,250 | FALSE | N/A |
Kendall | 132,348 | FALSE | N/A |
Knox | 49,799 | TRUE | Fulton, Henry, Knox, Mercer, Peoria, Stark, Warren |
Lake | 713,251 | FALSE | N/A |
LaSalle | 109,421 | FALSE | N/A |
Lawrence | 15,258 | TRUE | Crawford, Lawrence, Richland, Wabash |
Lee | 34,051 | TRUE | Bureau, DeKalb, LaSalle, Lee, Ogle, Whiteside |
Livingston | 35,779 | TRUE | Ford, Grundy, Kankakee, LaSalle, Livingston, McLean, Woodford |
Logan | 27,899 | TRUE | De Witt, Logan, McLean, Macon, Mason, Menard, Sangamon, Tazewell |
McDonough | 27,097 | TRUE | Fulton, Hancock, Henderson, McDonough, Schuyler, Warren |
McHenry | 309,886 | FALSE | N/A |
McLean | 170,954 | FALSE | N/A |
Macon | 103,756 | FALSE | N/A |
Macoupin | 44,845 | TRUE | Greene, Jersey, Macoupin, Madison, Montgomery, Morgan, Sangamon |
Madison | 265,610 | FALSE | N/A |
Marion | 37,639 | TRUE | Clay, Clinton, Fayette, Jefferson, Marion, Washington, Wayne |
Marshall | 11,706 | TRUE | Bureau, LaSalle, Marshall, Peoria, Putnam, Stark, Woodford |
Mason | 13,057 | TRUE | Cass, Fulton, Logan, Mason, Menard, Schuyler, Tazewell |
Massac | 14,138 | TRUE | Johnson, Massac, Pope, Pulaski |
Menard | 12,271 | TRUE | Cass, Logan, Mason, Menard, Sangamon |
Mercer | 15,627 | TRUE | Henderson, Henry, Knox, Mercer, Rock Island, Warren |
Monroe | 34,952 | TRUE | Monroe, Randolph, St. Clair |
Montgomery | 28,203 | TRUE | Bond, Christian, Fayette, Macoupin, Madison, Montgomery, Sangamon, Shelby |
Morgan | 32,838 | TRUE | Brown, Cass, Greene, Macoupin, Morgan, Pike, Sangamon, Scott |
Moultrie | 14,476 | TRUE | Coles, Douglas, Macon, Moultrie, Piatt, Shelby |
Ogle | 51,694 | FALSE | N/A |
Peoria | 181,322 | FALSE | N/A |
Perry | 20,882 | TRUE | Franklin, Jackson, Jefferson, Perry, Randolph, Washington |
Piatt | 16,674 | TRUE | Champaign, De Witt, Douglas, McLean, Macon, Moultrie, Piatt |
Pike | 14,641 | TRUE | Adams, Brown, Calhoun, Greene, Morgan, Pike, Scott |
Pope | 3,758 | TRUE | Hardin, Johnson, Massac, Pope, Saline |
Pulaski | 5,160 | TRUE | Alexander, Johnson, Massac, Pulaski, Union |
Putnam | 5,631 | TRUE | Bureau, LaSalle, Marshall, Putnam |
Randolph | 30,086 | TRUE | Jackson, Monroe, Perry, Randolph, St. Clair, Washington |
Richland | 15,778 | TRUE | Clay, Crawford, Edwards, Jasper, Lawrence, Richland, Wabash, Wayne |
Rock | 144,359 | FALSE | N/A |
St. Clair | 256,823 | FALSE | N/A |
Saline | 23,688 | TRUE | Franklin, Gallatin, Hamilton, Hardin, Johnson, Pope, Saline, Williamson |
Sangamon | 196,122 | FALSE | N/A |
Schuyler | 6,871 | TRUE | Adams, Brown, Cass, Fulton, Hancock, McDonough, Mason, Schuyler |
Scott | 4,941 | TRUE | Greene, Morgan, Pike, Scott |
Shelby | 20,924 | TRUE | Christian, Coles, Cumberland, Effingham, Fayette, Macon, Montgomery, Moultrie, Shelby |
Stark | 5,391 | TRUE | Bureau, Henry, Knox, Marshall, Peoria, Stark |
Stephenson | 44,493 | TRUE | Carroll, Jo Daviess, Ogle, Stephenson, Winnebago |
Tazewell | 131,073 | FALSE | N/A |
Union | 17,182 | TRUE | Alexander, Jackson, Johnson, Pulaski, Union, Williamson |
Vermilion | 74,001 | FALSE | N/A |
Wabash | 11,315 | TRUE | Edwards, Lawrence, Richland, Wabash, White |
Warren | 16,828 | TRUE | Fulton, Henderson, Knox, McDonough, Mercer, Warren |
Washington | 13,731 | TRUE | Clinton, Jefferson, Marion, Perry, Randolph, St. Clair, Washington |
Wayne | 16,125 | TRUE | Clay, Edwards, Hamilton, Jefferson, Marion, Richland, Wayne, White |
White | 13,807 | TRUE | Edwards, Gallatin, Hamilton, Wabash, Wayne, White |
Whiteside | 55,553 | FALSE | N/A |
Will | 695,844 | FALSE | N/A |
Williamson | 67,113 | FALSE | N/A |
Winnebago | 284,928 | FALSE | N/A |
Woodford | 38,395 | TRUE | LaSalle, Livingston, McLean, Marshall, Peoria, Tazewell, Woodford |