Program Brochures & Other Resources
Illinois Shines has a variety of resources that have been developed in order to support customers in their understanding of the Program and encourage strong awareness of consumer protections. Key resources for customers are listed below, with more information found throughout the Consumer Protection hub.
Homeowner Handouts
The Illinois Power Agency prioritizes educating consumers about the decision to go solar and providing resources to increase knowledge and help protect against predatory and problematic vendor practices, including misleading marketing, contract confusion, and financial risks. The Homeowner Handout Series is part of an expanding consumer resource library designed to help consumers make informed, confident decisions about going solar with Illinois Shines.
Selecting a Solar Company: Green and Red Flags

Program Brochures

Guide to Going Solar
For Distributed Generation projects where a Program financial incentive is being passed through to a customer, the Guide to Going Solar outlines the major steps in the Illinois Shines Program.
Illinois Shines & Illinois Power Agency Resources for Consumers
Illinois Power Agency Act
Established the Illinois Power Agency to achieve critical goals for power procurement for adequate, reliable, affordable, efficient, and environmentally sustainable electric service, and more.
Illinois Shines Consumer Complaint Report
Lists all consumer complaints received by the Program Administrator, and all Approved Vendors and Designees who have been suspended from the Illinois Shines Program.
IPA’s Long-Term Renewable Resources Procurement Plan (or “Plan”)
The Plan is written by the Illinois Power Agency and approved by the Illinois Commere Commission. The Plan describes how the IPA will implement programs and procurements to meet the State’s renewable energy goals.
Program Guidebook
Created by the IPA and the Program Administrator, the Program Guidebook provides existing and prospective Approved Vendors and Designees with necessary guidance about application requirements, vendor participation requirements, Program processes, and other aspects of the Program.
Illinois Solar for All
ILSFA is a State-administered solar incentive program (separate from Illinois Shines) for income-eligible customers, as well as for non-profits and public facilities.
Customer Contract Requirements
The Illinois Shines Program has requirements for what information is to be included in customer contracts (for both Distributed Generation installation contracts and Community Solar subscription agreements). While these documents are primarily used by Approved Vendors and Designees, interested consumers may also review the contract requirements.
System Design Best Practices and Considerations
Information on optimal positioning of solar arrays, and additional factors when considering solar installation proposals.
Additional Resources for Consumers
Illinois Commerce Commission interconnection & Net metering resources
Ameren illinois distributed generation
Commonwealth Edison Distributed Generation
Net metering tariffs — (look for sheets with headings “Rider POGNM” and “Rider POGCS”)
Green Marketing Issues/REC language Rules
Federal Trade Commission green marketing rules (see 260.15(d), Example 5)
Federal Trade Commission dated February 5, 2015 providing guidance on green marketing
MidAmerican Energy distributed generation
Private Energy Generation Info
Net metering tariffs — (look for sheets with headings “Rate NM” and “Rate NMS”)