Community Solar Updates and Reminders for 2024-25 Program Year

The Program will send an announcement next week going over the Community Solar Updates and Reminders for the 2024-25 Program Year. The announcement will include details on Community-Driven Community Solar (CDCS) and Traditional Community Solar (TCS), TCS scoring criteria changes in the Portal, and TCS application review and scoring timeline. 

Publication of Project Information for Selected Waitlisted Community Solar Projects

The Illinois Power Agency would like to thank all stakeholders who provided comments on the recent request for comments regarding publishing community solar application project information from projects selected through the waitlist capacity allocation process. After reviewing the submitted feedback, the Agency has elected to approach the posting of project information in the following way: A page has […]

ComEd Removes 110% Cap from Net Metering Requirements

Previously, participants in ComEd’s customer net metering program were only eligible to net meter a distributed generation system or enroll in a community solar subscription up to 110% of their annual electric usage. ComEd has removed this limitation on February 16, 2022 for Community Solar and March 1, 2022 for distributed generation and the cap […]

ComEd Removes 110% Cap from Net Metering Requirements

Previously, customers participating in ComEd’s customer net metering program were only able to install a distributed generation system or enroll in a community solar subscription up to 110% of that customer’s most recent 12 months of energy usage. If a customer had less than 12 months of historical usage, the system or subscription size was […]

FAQ Providing Additional Guidance on Completing Disclosure Forms Posted

A new FAQ providing additional guidance on completing Disclosure Forms has been posted to the Illinois ABP website. This FAQ provides direction on the method or formula for calculating payments throughout the term of the subscription, the effect of incomplete information or errors, and including attachments or additional data. If you have any questions regarding […]

URGENT Update on CS Subscriber Deadline Regarding Upcoming Quarterly Reports

It has come to the Program Administrator’s attention that ComEd’s Community Solar subscription portal may prevent Community Solar subscription last-minute edits regarding quarter-end updates such as new enrollments, size changes, and terminations due to a technical issue. Because of this inconvenience, the Program Administrator is working with the utilities to ensure that ComEd’s portal issue […]

ABP Community Solar Waitlisted Projects Upcoming Deadlines Reminder

The Program Administrator has directly emailed all Approved Vendors affected by the allocation of capacity to Community Solar waitlisted projects to remind them of critical approaching deadlines: February 28, 2022 is the deadline to submit executed capacity transfer forms and all relevant documentation surrounding any capacity transfers to the Program Administrator via email to [email protected]. […]