The Public Schools category includes Small and Large Distributed Generation projects as well as community solar projects that serve a public school in Illinois. The Public Schools category will generally comprise at least 15% of the Illinois Shines capacity. Public Schools projects will also feature 20-year REC delivery contracts that pay for RECs over time as they are delivered, rather than the front-loaded payment schedule previously used under Illinois Shines. Projects in the Public Schools category are limited to those developed on land owned by public K-12 schools or districts, and public institutions of higher education.

For assistance in this project category, contact the Public Schools Sector Strategist, Jozsef Raduly, at or the Program Administrator team at

A public school with solar panels on the roof next to a field

Category-Specific Resources

The Illinois Power Agency sought public comment on multiple requirements for projects submitted to the Public Schools category of the Illinois Shines program. Background on the topics, a list of requirements for the Public Schools category, and relevant questions for feedback were detailed in the linked Stakeholder Feedback Request – Public Schools Category issued on February 22, 2023. Please see the below reference table for the Stakeholder Feedback Request, which were due on March 3, 2023, and the comments received.

This brochure provides more information on the Public Schools category in Illinois Shines.

Download here!

This guide outlines next steps for schools looking to go solar.

Download here!

Category-Specific Updates

This blog includes key items specific to this Illinois Shines project category, but AVs and Designees are still expected to read all Program announcements in full, which contain other critical Program items and updates.

Informational Materials

Image of the first page of the Public Schools Program informational brochure.

Download link:

Public Schools Program Category Brochure

This brochure provides more information on the Public Schools category in Illinois Shines.

Download link:

Public Schools Project Guide

This guide outlines next steps for schools looking to go solar.