The Adjustable Block Program Administrator would like to thank all stakeholders that provided comments on the recent request for comments about the introduction of new fields for latitude and longitude in the Program’s Part I application.
Five stakeholders submitted comments and the comments did not offer a consensus opinion. The Illinois Power Agency has decided to continue to provide the coordinates fields as an optional field during the Part I Application but strongly encourage the use of this field for projects with rural addresses. This approach will help ensure that the Program Administrator can more easily verify the location of a rural project, thus ensuring swifter review of applications without further burdening the majority of projects applying to the Program.
Projects that do opt to utilize this field in the Part I application should format the coordinates in degrees and decimals of a degree out to 6 decimal places (e.g. 41.881856, -87.631222). This format is easily identified through Google Maps.
If you are unsure of how to identify the coordinates for a project’s location, Google Maps provides this information readily. Right-clicking on the map and selecting “What’s here?” will display the coordinates at the bottom of the screen.
Approved Vendors that submit a significant number of project applications with addresses that are difficult to map and do not include latitude and longitude coordinates for their projects may be asked by the Program Administrator to use the coordinates fields for all future projects.