The revised Adjustable Block Program Distributed Generation Marketing Guidelines were published on September 16, 2020. These revised guidelines apply to all distributed generation sales and marketing activity from that date forward. Approved Vendors and those operating on their behalf are expected to be familiar with all changes and adhere to all requirements outlined in the revised guidelines.
As a reminder, there is a grace period of 45 calendar days from September 16, 2020 before disciplinary action is taken for violations of new, non-emergency requirements found in the revised guidelines. This grace period will end on Saturday, October 31, 2020. This grace period only applies to items that have changed from the original DG Marketing Guidelines to the revised DG Marketing Guidelines. Any violations of these items by Approved Vendors or their Designees may result in disciplinary action.
Emergency restrictions against door-to-door marketing enacted in response to the COVID-19 pandemic remain in effect, as described in the IPA’s recent update on October 7, 2020. As updates to this prohibition are being made on an ongoing basis, Approved Vendors and their Designees should monitor the Updates section of the ABP website for any changes.