Application Tips and Tricks – Azimuths

The Program Administrator publishes Tips and Tricks to help support stakeholders in avoiding project applications from resulting in a Need Info request and delaying their review and approval. 

  • Need Info requests are being sent for projects with systems that have arrays outside installation best practices. It is noted in Section 4.J.5 of the Program Guidebook, “Any arrays with an azimuth greater than 270 or less than 090, or with a tilt greater than 80 degrees may be subject to further review by the Program Administrator.” The Need Info requests are being sent in an effort to understand drivers of the design choices for such systems.  
  • AVs may proactively provide a brief explanation in the ‘Overview Comment’ section of the Part I application at the time of submission to avoid a Need Info request that will delay application review. 
  • If an AV receives a Need Info request for this information, no substantiating documentation is required, and a brief explanation for why the array azimuth and/or tilt is not within generally accepted best practices for Illinois will suffice.