Application Tips and Tricks – Certified Transcripts of Payroll (“CTP”)

The Program Administrator publishes Tips and Tricks to help support stakeholders in avoiding project applications entering Need Info status and delaying their review and approval. 

  • Certified Transcripts of Payroll (“CTP”), which are required for projects subject to prevailing wage, must have an address that matches the project address. If an incorrect address is entered into the CTP form in the Illinois Department of Labor’s (“IDOL”) CTP Portal (or in the CSV file for upload) it may result in a Need Info delay. Guidance for how to submit payroll info for CTPs can be found on IDOL’s website
  • If an error is made and the addresses don’t match, the remedy is to resubmit the payroll information and generate a new CTP in the IDOL CTP Portal. There is no cost or penalty to resubmit, though two CTPs will exist. It’s important to provide the updated CTP to the Program Administrator to move the application forward.