Illinois Power Agency Issues Illinois Shines Program Year 2023-24 End of Year Report

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The Illinois Power Agency (IPA) today issued its Illinois ShinesProgram Year 2023-24 End of Year Report. Illinois Shines is a state-administered incentive program implemented by the IPA supporting the development of new solar projects through the purchase of Renewable Energy Credits, or RECs, from Distributed Generation and Community Solar projects, with a focus on equity provisions and consumer protections. The full report is available at the Program website at

The Program Year 2023-24 End of Year Report presents a detailed infographic which highlights data on some of the most significant and high-impact activities produced by the Program and its participating stakeholders, including:

  • Dollar value in incentive payments invoiced to utilities for approved and energized projects 
  • Number of project applications reviewed, number of applications ICC approved, and allocated capacity (in MW), for each of the Program’s six project categories, and number of homes and businesses to benefit from Community Solar projects approved in the Program Year
  • Breakout of participating Approved Vendors by project category
  • Efforts supporting the Equity Accountability System including successful introduction of both the Minimum Equity Standard and the Mentorship Pilot Program
  • Consumer Protection activities including investigation and resolution of complaints and support of stranded customers
  • Calls for stakeholder feedback and stakeholder participation forums
  • Completion of newly relaunched project inspections
  • Continued, new and enhanced Program tools and stakeholder support
  • And more