July 9, 2024 

Market Facing Bugfix: 
Cannot submit app when interconnecting Utility Changed Between Part I and II (from ComEd) 
Issue: When a Part I project application was originally submitted with the Interconnecting Utility specified as ComEd, but the Interconnecting Utility was later updated/corrected to a different utility company during Part I Verification, submission of the Part II application was being blocked by a validation error requesting to have a Net Metering Letter uploaded in the documents section. This document requirement is unique/specific to projects where the Interconnecting Utility is ComEd and should not apply to these projects. 

Fix: Part II Submission logic has been updated to account for this scenario.  

Market Facing Enhancement:
Disclosure Form: Completing eSign does not update status in Portal if eSign Request was re-sent/re-submitted (EG: 553250 | SkyFi Solar) 
Previously, if an e-Signature was requested multiple times on a given Disclosure Form, only the most recently sent e-Signature request would automatically update the Disclosure Form (moving the status from “Awaiting Signature” to “Complete” and uploading a copy of the Disclosure Form PDF) when the document was signed in Dropbox Sign, requiring someone to manually download the signed form PDF from DropBox Sign and manually upload it into the portal if the e-Signature was obtained on an earlier request. 

After July 10, 2024, any e-Signature Request for a given Disclosure Form will update the status to “Completed” and upload a copy of the e-Signed PDF automatically when completed.  


(1) The Disclosure Form will only be updated automatically by the e-Sign Process when the status of the Disclosure Form is “Awaiting Signature”. If a Disclosure Form has already been Completed/signed, and a second e-Sign request is signed,  the original signature event will be retained in the Disclosure Form record by design. In the rare case that a Disclosure Form is signed two times, and the latter signed document should be the document of record, someone would need to manually upload the document in the portal to replace the earlier file. 

(2) This change takes effect July 10, 2024. If Multiple e-Signature Requests were sent for a given Disclosure Form prior to July 10, 2024 and one of the older requests is completed, the signed Disclosure Form will still need to be updated manually (even if the signing event happened after July 10, 2024).