Net Metering Credits

Use of Unavailabilty of Net Metering Customer Acknowledgement Form

Illinois Shines places priority on educating and informing customers about all aspects of their decision to go solar, including the significant financial commitment of solar installation. Net metering is a billing mechanism whereby customers earn credit for the power their system produces that is sent to the grid for others to utilize. ComEd, Ameren, and MidAmerican are required to provide customer bill credits for excess energy produced by their solar system at the full retail rate. Rural electric cooperatives and municipal electric utilities may limit access to net metering or may offer a crediting approach that is not “substantially comparable” to net metering.

Customers should be provided relevant information about net metering or other crediting approaches, in order to properly evaluate a decision to install solar, as this information impacts the financial considerations associated with the customer’s investment as well as their monthly average outlay for electricity. If the interconnecting utility does not offer net metering or a comparable approach, this information should be reviewed with the customer, and customers should be presented with, and asked to execute, the Program’s Unavailability of Net Metering Credits Customer Acknowledgement Form (fillable form and static form), which should then be attached to a submitted project application.

FAQs Related to Changes in Net Metering In Illinois (AVs and Designees) – July 26, 2024

Net Metering Credits Customer Acknowledgement Form