New Disclosure Forms for Program Year 2023-2024

On May 5, 2023 the Program announced the release of new DG and CS Disclosure Forms, which will be available in the portal and required for use by participating AVs and Designees effective June 1, 2023. An additional announcement with updates was sent out on May 18, 2023. Below are notable highlights from the announcements and additional information regarding the new DFs. The Program Administrator has provided the new CSV Disclosure Form templates on the Program’s Resources page and published updated PDF and video DF walkthroughs on the Portal Help Guide page.

  • The Disclosure Form leniency period for Community Solar (creating a limited exception to the requirement that Disclosure Forms must be signed before the subscription contract) will extend through June 29, 2023. This extension does not apply to Distributed Generation Disclosure Forms, and the leniency period for the DG Disclosure Forms officially ended on May 31, 2023 as shared in the May 5 announcement.
  • The SharePoint workaround process for the CSV upload of Disclosure Forms has been discontinued and may not be used (effective May 31, 2023).
  • The Program Administrator has received inquiries regarding what information is required in the “Insurance for loss or damage to the project” field in the “Project Operations, Maintenance, Warranties, and Guarantees” section of the updated DFs. Please note that you are not required to copy and paste the entire insurance provisions included in your customer contracts. In fact, the 300-character limit on this field would not allow it in most cases. Rather, this section is meant to accomplish two goals: (1) acknowledge whether your contract includes insurance coverage for loss or damage to the project and (2) provide an area for a brief explanation of any key details of that coverage and/or limitations of that coverage. If your explanation includes limitations or exceptions, you must specify that in your description. For example: “Exceptions – damage as a result of hail, customer intentionally damages system.” If you require additional space to include your description, please feel free to do so in the “Additional details or explanatory information” box toward the end of the DF. If you use that field, please reference the earlier section your description concerns. For example, “Additional insurance coverage limitations include…”
  • A REC payments calculator has been added to the Program website and can be used to calculate the estimated value for specific projects for Disclosure Form submission.
  • Users interested in utilizing the Community Solar Disclosure Form API that were not part of the API working group can reach out to [email protected]. Final CSV templates are available on the Program website’s Resources page, in the Disclosure Forms section.
  • A stakeholder informational webinar was held Thursday, May 18, 2023 and the recording, presentation slides, and Q&As have been uploaded to the Program Year Updates page on the website