Program Year 2023-24 Annual Report Response Period Begins – Submissions Due July 15, 2024 

On an annual basis, Approved Vendors participating in Illinois Shines with an active Renewable Energy Credit (“REC”) Contract are required to submit an Annual Report pertaining to the contracts and systems in their portfolio. The Annual Report serves as the basis for verifying that RECs from projects are being delivered to the applicable utility.

One of the core items in the Annual Report is reviewing REC quantities. The Program Administrator takes all the registry data and sums it up by delivery year. The Annual Report is the opportunity for Approved Vendors to ensure the systems that are required to undergo an evaluation are included in the report, have correct REC delivery quantities reflected, and to provide corrections and/or supplemental information to support the accuracy of the evaluation. This includes the “curing period” where Approved Vendors may be contacted to clarify or provide additional project information.  

In support of the 2023–24 Annual Report, Approved Vendors will utilize a secure SharePoint folder to access the Energy Solutions generated reports mentioned above. Approved Vendors will then submit confirmation of the accuracy of the reports in the SharePoint folder as well as remaining Annual Report response information for its 2023–24 Annual Report using a Microsoft Form. The Annual Report response period opened today, July 1, 2024, and responses are due by July 15, 2024. Failure to submit an Annual Report is an Event of Default under the REC Contract and could impact an Approved Vendor’s standing in the Program.

Key Dates
July 1, 2024Annual Report Response Period begins. Approved Vendors will have access to review reports on SharePoint and submit Annual Report responses. Non-submission of the Annual Report is an event of default under the REC Contract.
July 15, 2024Annual Report Response Period ends. This is the deadline to submit Annual Report responses. Not filing an Annual Report by the deadline may jeopardize an Approved Vendors standing in the Program.
July 16, 2024Annual Report Cure Period begins. Program Administrator will contact Approved Vendors to cure any report discrepancies. Annual Reports that were not submitted during the preceding response period will not be accepted during this time. The cure period is limited to curing of issues identified in already submitted Annual Reports.
October 1, 2024Last day for Program Administrator to inform Approved Vendors of discrepancies.
October 14, 2024Annual Reports are finalized. No modifications to submissions will be permitted after this date.

On July 1, 2024, an email invitation to submit the Annual Report was sent to all Approved Vendors. The email included a link to the 2023-24 Annual Report form (a Microsoft form) for Approved Vendors to provide Annual Report responses and a link to each Approved Vendor’s SharePoint folder where the Program Administrator generated reports are available for review prior to submitting the Annual Report form response.  

Approved Vendors can access SharePoint Reports and submit a response using the 2023–24 Annual Report form link included in the email. If you are an Approved Vendor and have not received an Annual Report email submittal request, please contact the Program Administrator as soon as possible at [email protected] or (877) 783-1820. 

Please see below for a full list of Annual Report resources available to Approved Vendors: 

Thank you!    
Illinois Shines Program    
[email protected]