On October 31, 2024, the Illinois Power Agency (“IPA”) released a Request for Stakeholder Feedback seeking input on the IPA’s planned approach, beginning in 2025, to collect cost data on projects participating in the Illinois Shines and Illinois Solar for All programs. The purpose of collecting Illinois-specific cost data is to improve the modeling used to set Renewable Energy Credit (“REC”) prices for the programs. The request includes a proposal for a two-phase approach to starting cost collection and poses specific questions for which the Agency seeks feedback.
The IPA will hold a workshop tomorrow, November 14, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. CPT to discuss the proposed approach and answer stakeholder questions.
Workshop Link:
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/2347666367?pwd=UXpnSXFPTjg2Ykg3MTUzek5ON3k3Zz09&omn=8 1377673320
Meeting ID: 234 766 6367
Passcode: a1VTg9
The last day to submit written responses to this request for feedback is November 22, 2024. The Agency and Program Administrators request feedback on all aspects of the proposals, and commenters should not feel limited by the specific questions posed. Please provide comments via email attachment to [email protected] with the subject “[Responder’s Name] – Feedback on REC Price Cost Collection.”
Thank you!
Illinois Shines Program
[email protected]