Market Facing Enhancements:
- Limit number of fees on DG Disclosure Forms to prevent PDF Pagination
DG Disclosure Forms will now accept a maximum of 5 known fees and 5 unknown fees (for a possible maximum of 10 fees). If the user exceeds 5 of either (known or unknown), the application shows an error September 15, 2023 message and does not save the additional fee in the Disclosure Form. This is intended to improve PDF format as adding too many fees will result in pagination issues on the PDF.
Market Facing BugFixes:
- Disclosure Form – Email Validation Error
Email Validation Errors triggering when a valid email address contains a special characters “-@” Disclosure Form will no longer return an invalid email address error when entering an email address that contains a hyphen/dash (-) immediately before the ‘At’ symbol (@). - Disclosure Form Validation Error issues on ‘Other Party Email Address’ field
DG Disclosure Form displayed a false error message when entering an ‘Other Party Email Address’ but does not prevent saving of the record or moving forward. The false error message has been removed.