Special Announcement: Planned System Maintenance Between 8:00 p.m. CPT and 10:00 p.m. CPT Tonight in Support of Prevailing Wage Requirement Fixes

The Program Administrator and Illinois Power Agency appreciate the continued support and flexibility of Program participants as we continue development of the Program portal, add functionality, resolve bugs and issues, and otherwise optimize the system. The PA and Agency recently determined that corrections to Prevailing Wage reporting requirements were needed, necessitating updates to system logic used in the Program portal, and with impact to data provided in publicly available Project Application Reports. The PA and Agency have created a fix to the necessary logic, to be applied in the portal, and which will subsequently be reflected in updated reports.

To support the implementation of the solution, planned maintenance is scheduled to begin tonight during a window from 8:00 p.m. CPT – 10:00 p.m. CPT, during which time the Program portal will be unavailable to users. Any users working in the portal should save their work prior to the start of the system maintenance period. Should the maintenance window extend beyond 10:00 p.m. CPT, a notice will be sent to users when system access has been restored. We appreciate the understanding of stakeholders.

For support questions, please contact the Program Administrator at [email protected].