Consumer Program Updates
- Consumer Updates
Illinois Shines Opens for 2022-2023 Program Year, Re-Opens for Applications
Illinois Shines (also known as the Adjustable Block Program) opened today for the 2022-2023 Program Year to expand statewide solar access by resuming acceptance of both new solar project applications and Approved Vendor registrations. The full Announcement is available here at the Illinois Power Agency’s site.
- Consumer Updates
Illinois Shines Announces Brief Application Pause
The Illinois Power Agency (IPA) has announced a brief pause in accepting applications to Illinois Shines. More information on the application pause can be found here.
- Consumer Updates, Uncategorized
Large DG, Group A Waitlist Posted
The Program Administrator has posted a spreadsheet of the waitlist for the Group A Large DG category on the ABP dashboard page. The file will be refreshed daily. Please refer to the announcement on the Program website for more details on the closure of Group A Large DG Block 5
- Consumer Updates
New Resource for Understanding Illinois Shines
Customers looking to better understand the process and timeline for participating in the Illinois Shines program can now refer to the “Going Solar: Your Guide to Illinois Shines” flyer. The Going Solar flyer replaces the Illinois Shines timeline and is designed to explain the steps and timeline for participation in
- Community-Driven Community Solar category hub, Consumer Updates, Uncategorized
ComEd Removes 110% Cap from Net Metering Requirements
Previously, customers participating in ComEd’s customer net metering program were only able to install a distributed generation system or enroll in a community solar subscription up to 110% of that customer’s most recent 12 months of energy usage. If a customer had less than 12 months of historical usage, the
- Consumer Updates
Illinois Shines Accepting New Applications
Today, December 14, 2021, as result of the passage of the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (Public Act 102-0662 or “CEJA”), the Illinois Shines Program has reopened with new capacity and is accepting new project applications. To provide more opportunities for participation the Program now has the following six categories:
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