REMINDER: Stakeholder Feedback – Waiver for Minimum Equity Standard; Comments Due Tomorrow, February 22, 2023

As previously shared, the Illinois Power Agency seeks public comment on the waiver for Minimum Equity Standard requirements for entities that have received a REC contract award under the Adjustable Block/Illinois Shines Program or through the IPA’s utility-scale REC procurements for a given Program/delivery year.

Following the review and consideration of public comments on the waiver, the Agency intends to finalize the waiver and process for the 2023-2024 Program year/Delivery year beginning June 1, 2023.

The request for feedback can be found here: Comments on the proposal are due tomorrow, February 22, 2023 and should be submitted to  with the subject line “[Responding Entity Name] – Stakeholder Feedback on MES Waiver.”

More information on the waiver for Minimum Equity Standard requirements can be found in Section of the Agency’s Long-Term Renewable Resources Procurement Plan.